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14 June 2021 - 16 June 2021
EMODnet Open Conference 2021

EMODnet 2030: a new decade for ocean data and marine knowledge

Motivation and key objectives

In 2019, EMODnet reached a milestone of 10 years as a European marine data and knowledge service and broker. In 2020, this was celebrated in a 10 years webinar show­casing EMODnet’s decade of progress, par­tnerships and achievements. 2021 marks the start of a new and exciting UN Decade of Ocean science for Sustainable Develop­ment. The need for high quality, open data from the marine environment and related human activities has never been greater.

The EMODnet Open Conference 2021 (and related partner Jamboree) will build on this momentum, gathering hundreds of diverse stakeholders across the EMODnet partner­ship and beyond to:

  • Celebrate and showcase a decade of pro­gress across the EMODnet network;
  • Recognize and further develop exis­ting and emerging partnerships across Europe and worldwide;
  • Listen to the user community on the va­lue of EMODnet data, data products and services and what can be done to further optimize the user experience;
  • Gather stakeholder input and feedback on the next phase of EMODnet and the vision to 2030.

The associated Jamboree will be a time to celebrate the EMOD-network achieve­ments by the core delivery partners and to identify the optimum ways to move to a har­monized approach, making all data and data products findable, visible and downloadable through the EMODnet Central portal.

Conference format

The main structure of the Open Confe­rence will be two full days spread over three calendar days, starting 14 June afternoon and finishing 16 June afternoon. Plenary sessions, including presentations and Panel discussions will cover the topics EMODnet‘s progress and key collabora­tions, including with Copernicus Marine Service, EMODnet data providers and par­tnerships, EMODnet users, EMODnet for global and Ocean observing and marine data collection.

A full afternoon (15 June PM) will be dedi­cated to breakout sessions as participant interaction, dialogue and feedback is es­sential to drive the next phase of EMODnet to be as user-centric and fit-for-use as possible. This will include three key brea­kout topics: EMODnet for the European Green Deal, EMODnet for Global, and EMODnet next phase data, data products and applications in the digital era. A Virtual Exhibition will showcase EMODnet’s diverse thematic data and data products, together with EMODnet’s Data Ingestion Service, EMODnet for Business, Ocean observing and the European Atlas of the Seas. Com­munity e-posters will also be presented in a dedicated virtual Gallery, with poster pit­ches presented in Plenary sessions.

Paul Rose (National Geographic Pristine Seas expedition leader, Explorer, Broad­caster, science support authority) will act as the Master of Ceremonies and anchor for the full Conference.

Closed since 27 July 2021
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